
Authgear provides an easy method to reauthenticate the end-users. You can use this as a security measure to protect sensitive operations.


Reauthentication in Authgear is built on top of the OIDC ID token. The ID token is a JWT.

Your sensitive operation server endpoint MUST require the ID token. When you receive the ID token, you MUST verify the signature of it. If the signature is valid, you can trust the claims inside the ID token.

The auth_time claim in the ID token tells when was the end-user last authenticated. You should check the auth_time claim to see if the end-user was authenticated recently enough.

The claim in the ID token tells whether the end-user can be reauthenticated. If the value of this claim is false, then depending on your business needs, you can either allow the end-user to proceed, or forbid the end-user to perform sensitive operations. The flows are illustrated by the following diagrams.

SDK Integration

The following code snippets illustrate the interaction between the SDK and Authgear.

const biometricOptions = {
  ios: {
    localizedReason: 'Use biometric to authenticate',
    constraint: 'biometryCurrentSet' as const,
  android: {
    title: 'Biometric Authentication',
    subtitle: 'Biometric authentication',
    description: 'Use biometric to authenticate',
    negativeButtonText: 'Cancel',
    constraint: ['BIOMETRIC_STRONG' as const],
    invalidatedByBiometricEnrollment: true,

async function onClickPerformSensitiveOperation() {
  // Step 1: Refresh the ID token to ensure the claims are up-to-date.
  await authgear.refreshIDToken();

  // Step 2: Check if the end-user can be reauthenticated.
  const canReauthenticate = authgear.canReauthenticate();
  if (!canReauthenticate) {
    // Step 2.1: Depending on your business need, you may want to allow
    // the end-user to proceed.
    // Here we assume you want to proceed.

    const idTokenHint = authgear.getIDTokenHint();

    // Step 2.2: Call the sensitive endpoint with the ID token.
    // It is still required to pass the ID token to the endpoint so that
    // the endpoint can know the end-user CANNOT be reauthenticated.
    return callMySensitiveEndpoint(idTokenHint);

  // Step 3: The end-user can be reauthenticated.
  // If your app supports biometric authentication, you can pass
  // the biometric options to reauthenticate.
  // If biometric is enabled for the current user, it will be used instead.
  await authgear.reauthenticate({
    redirectURI: THE_REDIRECT_URI,
  }, biometricOptions);

  // Step 4: If we reach here, the reauthentication was done.
  // The ID token have up-to-date auth_time claim.
  const idTokenHint = authgear.getIDTokenHint();

  return callMySensitiveEndpoint(idTokenHint);

Reauthenticate conditionally by the last authentication time

If the end-users in your application often perform a series of sensitive operation, it is annoying that they have to reauthenticate themselves repeatedly before every operation. To allow the end-users to skip reauthentication if they have just reauthenticated themselves recently, the SDK allows you to inspect the last authentication time of the end-user.

async function onClickPerformSensitiveOperation() {
  await authgear.refreshIDToken();
  // Before you trigger reauthentication, check authTime first.
  const authTime = authgear.getAuthTime();
  if (authTime != null) {
    const now = new Date();
    const timeDelta = now.getTime() - authTime.getTime();
    if (timeDelta < 5 * 60 * 1000 /* 5 minutes */) {
      const idTokenHint = authgear.getIDTokenHint();
      return callMySensitiveEndpoint(idTokenHint);

  // Otherwise trigger authentication.

Backend Integration

Finally in your backend, you have to verify the signature of the ID token, and then validate the claims inside.

import json
from contextlib import closing
from urllib.request import urlopen
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta

import jwt
from jwt import PyJWKClient

base_address = "https://<your_app_endpoint>"

def fetch_jwks_uri(base_address):
    doc_url = base_address + "/.well-known/openid-configuration"
    with closing(urlopen(doc_url)) as f:
        doc = json.load(f)
    jwks_uri = doc["jwks_uri"]
    if not jwks_uri:
        raise Exception('Failed to fetch jwks uri.')
    return jwks_uri

def my_endpoint():
        jwks_uri = fetch_jwks_uri(base_address)
        # Reuse PyJWKClient for better performance
        jwks_client = PyJWKClient(jwks_uri)
        signing_key = jwks_client.get_signing_key_from_jwt(id_token)
        claims = jwt.decode(
            options={"verify_exp": True},
        auth_time = claims["auth_time"]
        dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(auth_time)
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        delta = now - dt
        if delta > timedelta(minutes=5):
            raise ValueError("auth_time is not recent enough")
        # Handle error

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