In this section of the Authgear documentation, you'll learn about all the GraphQL queries and mutations the Admin API supports.
Authgear provides a GraphQL API that you can use to manage users and other resources right from your application or using the GraphiQL Explorer in Authgear Portal > Advanced > Admin API.
The following section shows a detailed description and examples of supported queries and mutations.
1. Queries
1.1. auditLogs
The auditLogs query returns a list of all activities (logs) from the audit log.
You can use this query to fetch all registered users on your application. The users query returns a list of type User.
The users query depends on a search index. Hence, the data it returns is NOT immediately consistent as it requires reindexing before the most recent data and updates are included. If getting real-time user data is important for your use case, consider using the node /nodes or getUser/getUsers queries instead.
first: Int
last: Int
searchKeyword: String
sortBy: UserSortBy
sortDirection: SortDirection
before: String
after: String
): UserConnection
You can specify different object types to the node query to fetch an item of that type. Examples of node Types include User, AuditLog, Session, Authenticator, Authorization, and Identity.
The following example uses the AuditLog node type.
query {
node(id: "QXVkaXRMb2c6MDAwHJKwMDAwMDA0ZDViOQ") {
... on AuditLog {
The nodes query returns a list of nodes. This works similarly to the node query except that instead of supplying a single ID, you can provide a list of IDs for the objects you are querying for.
nodes(ids: [ID!]!): [Node]!
query {
nodes(ids: ["<NODE ID1>","<NODE ID2>"]) {
... on AuditLog {
The groups query returns a list of all groups in an Authgear project. It will return nothing if no group has been created yet. Groups can be a field in the roles query.
searchKeyword: String
excludedIDs: [ID!]
after: String
first: Int
last: Int
before: String
): GroupConnection
"data": {
"groups": {
"edges": [
"cursor": "b2Zmc2V0OjA",
"node": {
"description": "Staff members with super admin permissions",
"key": "admin_staff"
"cursor": "b2Zmc2V0OjE",
"node": {
"description": "Group for quickly applying team_member role to batch users.",
"key": "regular_staff"
1.6 roles
You can use this query to get all the roles available in an Authgear project. The roles query will return nothing if no roles have been created for the Authgear project. Roles can also be a field in the node of the groups query. See Manage Users Roles and Groups to learn more about roles and groups.
excludedIDs: [ID!]
last: Int
before: String
after: String
first: Int
searchKeyword: String
): RoleConnection
"data": {
"roles": {
"edges": [
"cursor": "b2Zmc2V0OjA",
"node": {
"description": "Leads a specific department where they also work.",
"groups": {
"edges": []
"id": "Um9sZTozMjc5NWRiNhOTgtOTzMzZkZGNi1hOWVkLTE2MC0RlOWFkMTM",
"key": "department_lead"
"cursor": "b2Zmc2V0OjE",
"node": {
"description": "Regular staff working in a specific department.",
"groups": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"key": "regular_staff"
"id": "Um9sZToyMjc5NWRiNhOTgtOTzMzZkZGNi1hOWVkLTE2MC0RlOWFkZTA",
"key": "team_member"
1.7 getUser and getUsers Queries
The getUser and getUsers queries are a collection of Admin API queries for getting details about a single user or multiple users using specific attributes as the search key and in real-time. Unlike the users() query, the result from the getUser and getUsers queries is immediately consistent.
Learn more about all the queries in this collection here.
2. Mutations
With mutations, you can modify data from your application using the Admin API GraphQL. For example, you can use mutation to update
2.1. anonymizeUser
Calling this mutation will change a specific user account to an anonymous account. In other words, this query anonymizes a specific user. This action will delete the user's data like name and gender.
Note: To use any loginID key, you must first enable the corresponding Login Method in your Authgear Portal. For example, enable Mobile login method to create an identity using phone number.
Calling the generateOOBOTPCode mutation will generate a new OOB OTP Code for a user. This mutation allows you to specify the purpose and target of the OTP as input.
You can include sendPassword: true and setPasswordExpired: true in the input for the resetPassword mutation to send the new password to a user and set it as expired so they can set a new one the next time they log in. Here is an example of the mutation:
mutation {
resetPassword(input: {userID: "<ENCODED USER ID>", password: "n3w-p4$s", sendPassword: true, setPasswordExpired: true}) {
user {
2.10. revokeAllSessions
With the revokeAllSessions mutation, you can revoke all sessions for a specific user.
mutation {
setVerifiedStatus(input: {userID: "<ENCODED USER ID>", claimName: "email", claimValue: "", isVerified: true}) {
user {
verifiedClaims {
You can use this mutation to update an existing user's details. You can update standard attributes such as email, phone, family_name, given_name, and gender for the user. Or you can modify custom fields using the customAttributes argument.
Note: To update the email, phone or username standard attribute for a user using this mutation, you must first add the new value to the user's Identities. See createIdentity mutation and updateIdentity.
For this updateUser example, we will be updating the standard attributes for a user. The first thing to do is to extract all the current values of the user's standard attributes into a variable. Then, add new fields or modify existing fields in the variable with new values.
Note: It is important to include the current values of the fields that you don't wish to update but still want to keep. The Admin API will delete any existing fields you omit in the variable.
The following block of code shows an example variable. If you're using GraphiQL, simply create the variable in the variable tab of GraphiQL like this:
The following example shows how to update custom attributes.
Note: You must have created the custom attributes you wish to update in Authgear Portal > User Profile > Custom Attributes.
Create a variable and extract the current custom attributes into it. Modify the values of the attributes you wish to update or add new attributes.
Note: Again, it is important to include the current values of the fields that you don't wish to update but still want to keep. The Admin API will delete any existing fields you omit in the variable.
The following block of code shows an example of the variable. You can set the variable in the variable tab of GraphiQL.
"customAttributes": {
"town": "Lagos"
mutation ($customAttributes: UserCustomAttributes) {
updateUser(input: {userID: "<ENCODED USER ID>", customAttributes: $customAttributes}) {
user {
mutation {
createGroup(input: {key: "test_group", name: "Test group", description: "This is a test group created using the Admin API"}) {
group {
Note: The value of key can not be empty, must be between 1 and 40 characters long, accepted characters are [a-zA-Z0-9:_] and the prefix authgear: is reserved for Authgear internal use.
2.22 createRole
You can use this mutation to add a new access management role to your Authgear application.
Note: The value of key can not be empty, must be between 1 and 40 characters long, accepted characters are [a-zA-Z0-9:_] and the prefix authgear: is reserved for Authgear internal use.
2.23 addRoleToGroups
Use this mutation to add a role to one or more groups in a single operation.
mutation {
updateRole(input: {id:"<ENCODED ROLE ID>", key: "test_role_updated", name: "Test Role Updated", description: "Updated version of this role"}) {
role {
Note: Pass null as the value of key, name or description if you do not wish to update them and pass and empty string ("") to delete the value of name and description. Also, some GrahpQL libraries may not allow you to pass a literal null directly in the query, in such cases, use a variable to defind the value of input.
mutation {
updateGroup(input: {id:"<ENCODED GROUP ID>", key: "test_group_updated", name: "Test Group Updated", description: "Updated version of this group"}) {
group {
Note: Pass null as the value of key, name or description if you do not wish to update them and pass and empty string ("") to delete the value of name and description. Also, some GrahpQL libraries may not allow you to pass a literal null directly in the query, in such cases, use a variable to defind the value of input.
2.31 removeUserFromGroups
Removes a user from one or more groups they're currently in.