Force Authgear to Show Login Page

Force Authgear to always show login page even if the user have already logged in.

When user login / signup to Authgear, it usually starts with your application making a request to the authorization endpoint, which leads to a login or signup screen.

If the user is already signed in on the browser, the Single Sign On feature will show a "Continue Screen" instead as follows.

If your application do not want to utilize the Single Sign On feature, and always show the login / sign up screen instead, you can force Authgear to show login page by using prompt="login" at the authorize endpoint.

How to Force Authgear to Show Login Page

The prompt="login" parameter which is defined in the OIDC spec can force AuthUI to show the login page. Authgear SDKs have a prompt parameter that can be used to set prompt="login". Once the prompt parameter is set to login Authgear will always show the login screen when your application calls the SDK's authenticate method.

The following code shows how to set prompt: "login" in Authgear SDKs:

    prompt: PromptOption.Login,

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