Track User Before and After Signup

Learn how to track a user that signs up from a particular source or campaign.

In this guide, you'll learn how to track users from a particular source before and after they sign up. For example, knowing how many people sign up for your application through a signup link that you have included in a blog post or an email campaign.


To follow this guide, you need to have the following:

  • A free Authgear account.

  • An application in the Authgear Portal and note down the configuration of the application.

  • A client application that is written in your preferred language or framework.

What We'll Build

For this guide, we'll build a demo Express application that has the following features:

  • Read a source URL parameter defined by you (the developer).

  • Send the value of the source parameter to the Authgear authorization server using the OAuth 2.0 state parameter.

  • Read the value of state returned after user authorization (sign up) and log the value in a database or analytics system like Mixpanel.

What is the OAuth 2.0 State Parameter?

The OAuth 2.0 framework includes an optional state parameter. The value of the state parameter can be any random string or number defined by a client application (e.g a web or mobile that uses Authgear for user authentication) before the client makes an authorization request. In simple terms, the state parameter is added to the authorization URL as a URL query.

The authorization server (Authgear) will include the same state parameter value when redirecting the user-agent back to the client application. As a result, the client application can retrieve the value of state returned to verify that it is the origin of the authorization request.

We will use the above behavior of the authorization process to track a user before and after they sign up.

How to Track a User Who Signs Up from a Particular Source

The following steps show the steps for building a simple application that is capable of tracking users before and after they sign up.

Step 1: Set Up Your App to Use Authgear

First, create a new project directory and open it. The demo application for this guide is a simple Express application that use Axios to make HTTP requests. Hence, install both packages using the following commands:

1. Express:

npm install express

2. Axios:

npm install axios

Next, inside the project directory, create a new app.js file then add the following code to the file:

const express = require('express');
const axios = require('axios');

const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;

const config = {
  client: {
    id: "CLIENT_ID",
    secret: "CLIENT_SECRET",
    redirect_url: "REDIRECT_URL"
  auth: {
    tokenHost: "AUTHGEAR_ENDPOINT",
    tokenPath: '/oauth2/token',
    authorizePath: '/oauth2/authorize',
    scope: 'openid offline_access'

You can get the correct configuration values (CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, REDIRECT_URL, and AUTHGEAR_ENDPOINT) from the Applications section of the Authgear Portal.

Step 2: Add State Parameter to Authorization Request

In this step, we'll implement a /login route in the demo application. This route will support a source query parameter, for example, /login?source=002.

Add the following code to the end of app.js to implement the /login route:

app.get("/login", (req, res) => {

  const url = new URL(`${config.auth.tokenHost}${config.auth.authorizePath}`);
  url.searchParams.set('redirect_uri', config.client.redirect_url);
  url.searchParams.set('response_type', 'code');
  url.searchParams.set('scope', config.auth.scope);

  if (req.query.source != null) {
    url.searchParams.set('state', req.query.source);


The above code will check if the source parameter is included in the HTTP request to the /login route. If there is a source parameter, the value of the source will be added to the authorization URL's state parameter.

The following is an example of a login URL that includes the source parameter:


Step 3: Read the Value of State After Authorization

As described earlier, Authgear will return whatever value you put in the state parameter of the authorization URL. In the last step, we will read the value of the source parameter from the /login route and pass it to the state parameter. In this step, we'll read the state parameter that Authgear returns in the redirect URI for the initial value we passed (source).

To do this, we'll add a / route to resolve our redirect URI. Add the following code to the end of app.js to implement the route:

app.get("/", async (req, res) => {

  if (req.query.code != null) {
    const data = {
      client_secret: config.client.secret,
      code: req.query.code,
      grant_type: 'authorization_code',
      response_type: 'code',
      redirect_uri: config.client.redirect_url,
      scope: config.auth.scope

    const sourceFromState = req.query.state;

    try {
      const getToken = await`
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }

      const accessToken =;
      <p>Access token: ${accessToken}, ${sourceFromState}</p>
    } catch (error) {
      res.send("An error occurred! Login could not complete. Error data: " + error);

  else {
      <div style="max-width: 650px; margin: 16px auto; background-color: #EDEDED; padding: 16px;">
        <p>Hi there!</p>
        <p>This demo app shows you how to add user authentication to your Express app using Authgear</p>
          <p>Checkout <a href=""></a> to learn more about adding Authgear to your apps.</p>
        <a href="/login">Login</a>

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`server started on port ${port}!`);

The sourceFromState constant holds the value for the state parameter in the redirect URI. You can save this value to a database to track that the user has successfully signed up using the link with the source value in your original campaign link. You may also send this link to an analytic tool like Mixpanel to track the user and source.

To run the demo app, run the following command in the terminal:

node app.js

Then, open http://localhost:3000/login?source=002 on a browser. You can change 002 to any random string that you wish to use for tracking a source or campaign. Also, be sure to add http://localhost:3000 as a redirect URL for your application in the Authgear Portal.

Last updated

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