Customer Support Link

Let end-user to contact customer support in case they need help in the login process.

In the case of losing access to the MFA authenticators, the end-user can recover their account by using the emergency Recovery Codes. However they may have lost the codes and need customer support.

You can add a customer support link in the Portal.

  1. Go to UI Settings in the Portal

  2. Fill in the Customer Support Link in the Link Settings section

  3. Save the settings.

The value will be used as the href of <a> HTML tag. It can be a URL or a mailto: link.

Customize the label

You can also modify the text shown to the end-users by including two special translation keys in translation.json.

    "enter-recovery-code-instead-v1": "Having Trouble? <button class=\"btn secondary-btn\" type=\"submit\">Use recovery code</button>",
    "enter-recovery-code-instead-with-customer-support-v1": "Having Trouble? <button class=\"btn secondary-btn\" type=\"submit\">Use recovery code</button> or <a class=\"link\" target=\"_blank\" href={customerSupportLink}>contact customer support</a>",

Last updated