Update user's picture

Authgear allows your server to update the user's picture via the Admin APIs.


To update the user's picture:

  1. Make a GET request to /_api/admin/images/upload to obtain the pre-signed upload url.

  2. Make a POST request to the pre-signed upload url to upload the image file. This call returns the result url once the upload is finished.

  3. Call the Admin GraphQL API /_api/admin/graphql to update the user's standard attributes. Update the picture attribute with the result url returned by the previous call.

API Details

Obtain the per-signed upload url

Make a GET request to /_api/admin/images/upload to obtain the pre-signed upload url.

The call will look like this:

GET /_api/admin/images/upload HTTP/1.1
Host: <YOUR_APP>.authgear.cloud
Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

The call returns the pre-signed upload url:

  "result": {
    "upload_url": "<PRESIGNED_UPLOAD_URL>"

Upload the picture

Upload the picture to the pre-signed upload url. We recommend you to pre-process the image before uploading. The image should be cropped into square and should be less than 10 MB.

Upload the file with FormData and the field name is file. You can construct the multipart/form-data request by most HTTP libraries.

The call will look like this:

Host: <YOUR_APP>.authgear.cloud
Content-Length: <CONTENT_LENGTH>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----boundary

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png


The call returns the result url once the upload completed, the url is in format of authgearimages:///APP_ID/OBJECT_ID:

  "result": {
    "url": "authgearimages:///..."

Update user's picture in the standard attributes

Follow the doc of Update user's standard attributes to update the user's picture attribute. Replace the attribute with the new picture url (e.g. authgearimages:///...) obtained by the previous upload.

Last updated

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