User Profile

The user profiles contain information about your end-users such as name, email, addresses, and unique identifier. You can manage the profiles via the Portal & Admin API. The end-users can also manage their own profile through the Profile section in the User Setting page provided by the AuthUI.

UserInfo Endpoint

The UserInfo endpoint returns the Claims about the authenticated end-user, including the standard profile and custom attributes.

The userInfo object is returned from calling fetch user info function which contains a unique identifier of the user.




Indicate if the user is anonymous, i.e. no identity or authenticator is provided



Indicate if the user completed the verification requirement



Unique identifier of the user in your Authgear project

    const userInfo = await authgear.fetchUserInfo()
} catch(e) {
    // failed to fetch user info
    // the refresh token maybe expired or revoked

Standard Attributes

The following attributes are built-in supported by Authgear. They are the set of Standard Claims defined by the OIDC specifications. Some of them are default hidden from the Admin Portal and end-users. Their visibility and mutability can be configured through the Admin Portal.

Attribute nameDefault VisibilityFormat




Given Name



Family Name



Middle Name








URL String



URL String



URL String



male, female or Custom String



Date in YYYY-MM-DD





BCP47 language tag enabled by the project



JSON Object

Standard Attributes that are coupled with Identities

The following attributes are coupled with the identities owned by the end-user. The represents the email addresses, phone numbers, or usernames the end-users are using to authenticate themselves on Authgear. If the end-user uses a third-party identity provider for authentication, these attributes will be coupled with the corresponding attributes returned by the provider.

  • email

  • email_verified

  • phone_number

  • phone_number_verified

  • preferred_username

Custom Attributes

You can define a set of custom attributes in the user profile. They are returned as a JSON object in under the custom_attributes key in userInfo.

    "sub": "...",
    "isAnonymous": false,
    "isVerified": true,
    "custom_attributes": {

Add new attributes

Go to Portal > User Profile > Custom Attributes and click Add New Attribute

The attribute name consist of lowercase letters (a-z), digits (0-9) and underscore (_) only. It must start with lowercase letters (a-z), and NOT ended with an underscore (_). The default display name will be the attribute name split with underscore and in title case. e.g. my_string will render as My String in the AuthUI Settings page.

Authgear supports the following attribute types:

  • String

  • Number

  • Integer

  • Dropdown

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

  • URL

  • Country Code

Modify attributes

You can change the attribute name and validation settings such as min and max value. The attribute type cannot be changed once it's set. To migrate the attribute into a new type, create a new attribute, migrate the values from the old to the new one, and then change the name and access right of the old attribute to make it obsolete.

Delete attributes

Deleting attribute is not supported. You can change the name and access rights to make an attribute obsolete.

Attribute Order

You can arrange the attribute order by drag-and-drop the handle in the custom attribute configuration in the Portal. This will control the order of how the attributes are shown to the end-users in the AuthUI User Settings page.

User Profile Configuration

The access rights for different parties on individual attributes can be configured through the Authgear Portal. Under the hood, all the attributes are available, however, they can be configured to be hidden or read-only according to the needs of your projects to avoid confusion.

These are the parties that have access to the user profile:

The Admin API

Through the Admin API, developers ALWAYS have full access to ALL the standard attributes and custom attributes. The Admin API allows the developer to view or edit the standard attributes and the custom attributes.

The Portal

The admin user can view or edit the standard attributes via the Authgear Portal.

The Session Bearer

The session bearer is someone who has a valid session cookie or a valid access token. The standard attributes of the end-user whom the session represents can be viewed by accessing the UserInfo endpoint and the resolver endpoint. The session bearer can be the end-user, the client mobile app, or the client website.

The End-user

The end-user can view or edit the standard attributes through the Profile section in the User Setting page provided by the AuthUI.

Profiles from Third-party Identity Providers

Authgear supports various social and enterprise identity providers. End-users can sign up and log in to your apps via these connections. Upon signup, these providers will return a set of user attributes about the end-user. Authgear will copy those attributes and populate the profile of the end-user.

More info about the population logic can be found in the specification.

Last updated

#236: add import user api doc

Change request updated