Running locally with Docker

How to run locally with Docker.

Authgear is available as a Docker image. It depends on PostgreSQL (with pg_partman enabled) and Redis. To run it locally, the simplest way is to use docker-compose.

Create the project directory

Let's get started with creating a new directory.

mkdir myapp
cd myapp

Create docker-compose.yaml

The next step is to create docker-compose.yaml to setup PostgreSQL, Redis, and Authgear.

You can start with the following docker-compose.yaml:

version: "3"
    image: postgres-pg-partman:latest
      context: ./postgres
      - db_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      POSTGRES_USER: "postgres"
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "postgres"
      - "5432:5432"

    image: redis:6.2.6
      - redis_data:/data
      - "6379:6379"

    # Remember to replace the latest tag with the exact version you would like to use!
      - ./authgear.yaml:/app/authgear.yaml
      - ./authgear.secrets.yaml:/app/authgear.secrets.yaml
      DEV_MODE: "true"
      LOG_LEVEL: "debug"
      - "3000:3000"

    driver: local
    driver: local

Note that we need to build the PostgreSQL image ourselves. We can do this with a simple Dockerfile.

mkdir postgres
touch postgres/Dockerfile

Copy the following contents to postgres/Dockerfile

FROM postgres:12.3


RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
	unzip \
	build-essential \
	postgresql-server-dev-11 \
	wget \
	&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN wget${PARTMAN_VERSION}.zip -O pg_partman-${PARTMAN_VERSION}.zip && unzip pg_partman-${PARTMAN_VERSION}.zip && cd pg_partman-${PARTMAN_VERSION} && make NO_BGW=1 install

Create authgear.yaml and authgear.secrets.yaml

First, we need to create authgear.yaml and authgear.secrets.yaml. Authgear itself is a CLI program capable of generating a minimal configuration file.

Run the following command to generate minimal authgear.yaml and authgear.secrets.yaml:

docker run --rm -it -w "/work" -v "$PWD:/work" authgear init

This command is interactive and it will prompt you a series of questions. You want to turn off email verification because we do not have SMTP setup. We also need to adjust some endpoints so that Authgear can connect to other services in the network.

App ID (default 'my-app'):
HTTP origin of authgear (default 'http://localhost:3000'):
HTTP origin of portal (default 'http://portal.localhost:8000'):
Phone OTP Mode (sms, whatsapp, whatsapp_sms) (default 'sms'):
Would you like to turn off email verification? (In case you don't have SMTP credentials in your initial setup) [Y/N] (default 'false'): Y
Database URL (default 'postgres://postgres:postgres@'): postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
Database schema (default 'public'):
Audit Database URL (default 'postgres://postgres:postgres@'): postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
Audit Database schema (default 'public'):
Elasticsearch URL (default 'http://localhost:9200'):
Redis URL (default 'redis://localhost'): redis://redis
Redis URL for analytic (default 'redis://localhost/1'): redis://redis/1
config written to authgear.yaml
config written to authgear.secrets.yaml

authgear.yaml and authgear.secrets.yaml are generated in your working directory.

Edit authgear.secrets.yaml

The three services run in the same network. We have to ensure Authgear can connect to PostgreSQL and Redis.

Since we do not have Elasticsearch in our docker-compose.yaml, we MUST remove the elasticsearch entry in authgear.secrets.yaml.

Edit authgear.secrets.yaml so that it looks like the following:

- data:
    database_schema: public
    database_url: postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
  key: db
- data:
    database_schema: public
    database_url: postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
  key: audit.db
# Either remove or comment out this block.
# - data:
#     elasticsearch_url: http://localhost:9200
#   key: elasticsearch
- data:
    redis_url: redis://redis
  key: redis
- data:
    redis_url: redis://redis/1
  key: analytic.redis
# Other entries that are randomly generated.
# They are not listed here because they will be different.

Start PostgreSQL and Redis

Authgear depends on them so they have to be started first.

docker compose build
docker compose up -d db redis

Run database migration

Run the database migration:

docker compose run --rm  authgear authgear database migrate up --database-url="postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable" --database-schema="public"
docker compose run --rm  authgear authgear audit database migrate up --database-url="postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable" --database-schema="public"
docker compose run --rm  authgear authgear images database migrate up --database-url="postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable" --database-schema="public"

Get it running

Run everything with:

docker-compose up

Verify everything is working

Visit http://localhost:3000 and try signing up as a new user!

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